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Nordik 3-pak Rævekald

Korsholm long description

The NORDIK MINI PREDATOR is specially developed to meet the demands of calling predators under Nordic conditions. The call is simple to use and its mouth piece is freeze proof. The call can produce a wide variety of sounds. This call has a smaller sound board and thinner membrane than its big brother Nordik Predator.

Rodent squeaks

To imitate mouse and vole squeaks, place the o-ring, your teeth or lips at the outermost part of the membrane and blow with short thrusts in the call.

Distress calls from rabbit and hare

These calls are easy to make by placing the o-ring, your teeth or lips in the middle of the mouth piece and blow into the call. The further back on the membrane the coarser the sound. Vary long and short sounds for 15-25 seconds and repeat every 3-4 minutes. Open and close your hand in front of the call’s opening as you blow for a more life like sound.

The Nordik Crying Bird is specially developed to imitate bird distress sounds. These sounds are very effective to call foxes and other predators with. 

To imitate a woodpecker in distress, blow short and intense thrusts of air or hard trrr, trrr, trrr into the call.

To make distress sounds of small birds, blow carefully and let the air go back and forth, both in and out through the call.

If you blow a short steady flow of air through the call you will get a very realistic rabbit distress sound. Call 15-30 seconds and sit quiet for 1-2 minutes and repeat for 15-25 minutes / stand.

The Nordik Fox Heat is specially developed for calling fox that are out searching for a partner during the mating period. It is also effective during other seasons for fox that defend their territory. Some fox answer to the call, others come silently.


We use 2 different whistling sounds.

Nr 1: Cover the hole on the sound chamber with your index finger and blow “trrr” softly into the call three times (trrr, trrr, trrr), pause for 10 seconds (trrr, trrr, trrr), pause for 10 seconds (trrr, trrr, trrr). Repeat this series of sounds every 5-10 minutes for a 30-40 minute stand.

Nr. 2: Cover the hole on the sound chamber with your index finger and blow 4 short, soft thrusts of air in close succession, finish with a long thrust of air for 3 seconds where you remove your finger from the hole as you start blowing and let the sound fade out towards the end (ju-ju-ju-ju-jullllliiiiii). Paus for 10 seconds and repeat. Repeat this series of sounds every 5-10 minutes for a 30-40 minute stand.

Nordik Predator

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